JEB Decompiler PRO 3.19.1 (May 7, 2020) by PNF Software

– DEX Decompiler: Emulator: improvements
– DEX Decompiler: fixes on corner-case scenarios
– Java: Decompiled source: matched parentheses/brackets/braces open-close
– Dex/Dalvik: more information for query xrefs action
– Dex/Dalvik: some fixes, more tolerant Dalvik parsing in corner-cases
– Operation: added COPY_ADDRESS (see API; mapped to menu “Navigation, Copy Address” in UI client)
– Native: Siglibs updates
– Other fixes

– Cross-references panel: the dialog is now modeless (keep navigating, jump to xrefs without closing the widget)
– Navigation: fixes and tweaks in history navigation (more to be smoothed out, navigating the history remains counter-intuitive in some cases)
– Styles/Themes: added light/sepia fall-back for system-wide dark modes if needed
– Themes: fixed standard theme on dark-mode macOS with recent JDK
– UI client is now compatible with recent JDK, incl. JDK 14. JEB’s native launcher will not work on linux/macOS though.
Note: we recommend to keep on using JDK 8u191+.
– Other fixes

下载:链接: 密码: jw8c


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    Firefox 87 Firefox 87 Windows 10 Windows 10 cn广西南宁市 电信


    1. 公主 Queen 
      Google Chrome 90 Google Chrome 90 Mac OS X 10.15 Mac OS X 10.15 cn山东省青岛市 移动


      JEB decryption password: ilbtcdnwiuypbzeo
      The protected JEB file was successfully decrypted
      内存使用率: 264.0M allocated (48.7M used, 215.3M free) - max: 8.0G
      JEB (jeb-pro) is starting...
      当前目录: /Users/zhongming
      基础目录: /Users/zhongming/Downloads/jeb-pro-
      程序目录: /Users/zhongming/Downloads/jeb-pro-
      System: Mac OS X 11.2 (x86_64) zh_CN_#Hans
      Java: Oracle Corporation 16.0.1
      Plugin loaded: com.pnf.plugin.androidjnihelper.DynamicJNIDetectionPlugin
      Plugin loaded: com.pnf.libravm.LibraIdentifier
      Plugin loaded: com.pnf.libravm.LibraDisassemblerPlugin
      Plugin loaded: com.pnf.libravm.LibraDecompilerPlugin
      Plugin loaded: com.pnf.androsig.gen.AndroidSigGenPlugin
      Plugin loaded: com.pnf.androsig.apply.andsig.AndroidSigApplyPlugin
      Plugin loaded: com.pnf.plugin.oat.OATPlugin
      Plugin loaded: com.pnf.plugin.pdf.PdfPlugin


      #!/usr/bin/env python
      import os, sys, struct, time, binascii, hashlib
      RC4_Key2= 'Eg\xa2\x99_\x83\xf1\x10'
      def rc4(Key, inData):
          Buf = ""
          S = range(256)
          K = (map(lambda x:ord(x), Key) * (256 / len(Key) + 1))[:256]
          j = 0
          for i in range(256):
              j = (S[i] + K[i] + j) % 256
              S[i], S[j] = S[j], S[i]
          i, j = 0, 0
          for x in range(len(inData)):
              i = (i + 1) % 256
              j = (j + S[i]) % 256
              S[i], S[j] = S[j], S[i]
              Buf += chr(S[(S[j] + S[i]) % 256] ^ ord(inData[x]))
          return Buf
      def Long2Int(longdata):
          lo = longdata & 0xFFFFFFFF
          hi = (longdata >> 32) & 0x7FFFFFFF
          return hi, lo
      def KeygenSN(LicenseSerial, MachineID):
          mhi, mlo = Long2Int(MachineID)
          lhi, llo = Long2Int(LicenseSerial)
          hi_Key = (mhi - lhi + 0x55667788) & 0x7FFFFFFF
          lo_Key = (mlo + llo + 0x11223344) & 0xFFFFFFFF
          Z0, = struct.unpack('


      (python2) zhongming@ZhongMingdeMBP ~ % python /Users/zhongming/Downloads/ 
      Input License Data:
      JEB License Key: 5277361611045064540Z9199121327
      Enter to Exit...
  2.  Level 3
    Google Chrome 94 Google Chrome 94 Windows 10 Windows 10 cn上海市 联通

    your license does not permit the creation of new projects

    1. 公主 Queen 
      Google Chrome 94 Google Chrome 94 Mac OS X 10.15 Mac OS X 10.15 cn山东省青岛市 移动



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