Hide Debugger for Immunity Debugger v1.8x

(c) Mars Security. 2009-2012
Institute Of Information Serurity From Mars
U{By obaby.}
#sys.path.append("C:\\Program Files\\Immunity Inc\\Immunity Debugger\\Libs")

import immlib
import immutils
def main(args):
    imm = immlib.Debugger()
    #hide debugger by wipe the BeingDebugged flag in PEB struct.
    imm.writeMemory (imm.getPEBAddress() + 0x2,"\x00")
    #disable the process enume
    process32first = imm.getAddress("kernel32.Process32FirstW")
    process32next = imm.getAddress("kernel32.Process32NextW")
    function_list = [process32first, process32next]
    patch_bytes = imm.assemble("SUB EAX,EAX\nRET 8")
    for address in function_list:
        opcode = imm.disasmForward(address,nlines = 8)
    return "[*] PEB BeingDebugged flag cleared ! Debugger Hided~!"

该脚本用于去掉基于IsDebugPresent函数的调试检测。将上面的内容保存为hidedbg.py放入immdbg的PyCommands目录下,然后在immdbg的命令窗口中执行即可。 smile


* 网站名称:obaby@mars
* 网址:https://h4ck.org.cn/
* 个性:https://oba.by/
* 本文标题: 《Hide Debugger for Immunity Debugger v1.8x》
* 本文链接:https://image.h4ck.org.cn/2012/06/4263
* 短链接:https://oba.by/?p=4263
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