使用VMWare GDB和IDA调试Windows内核



在进行这一步之前首先要保证你已经有了一个已经安装好的Windows(32位)的操作系统。在开始调试之前,首先要拷贝你想要看到符号的模块到系统目录下,如果你不确定要复制那些文件,可以将如下的文件复制到虚拟机目录下:位于System32目录下的nt*.exe和hal.dll文件、整个System32\drivers目录。在这里我将文件复制到了E:\虚拟机系统\Windows 7\Shar4ed dll\目录下。



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PECompact 2.x -> Jeremy Collake [Overlay] 脱壳



00401140 >  B8 D0A19900     mov eax,plistEdi.0099A1D0                ; 入口点
00401145    50              push eax
00401146    64:FF35 0000000>push dword ptr fs:[0]
0040114D    64:8925 0000000>mov dword ptr fs:[0],esp
00401154    33C0            xor eax,eax                              ; 单步执行到此处之后出现SE处理程序
00401156    8908            mov dword ptr ds:[eax],ecx
00401158    50              push eax
00401159    45              inc ebp
0040115A    43              inc ebx
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USB over Network (Server) & VMWare WorkStation 7.1 BSOD

这几天一直在折腾USB over Network (Server)驱动的卸载问题,发现不管是手工卸载还是使用自身的安装程序进行卸载。重新安装的时候都会导致蓝屏。最后在对CrashDump文件进行分析之后发现是vm的一个usb驱动的问题,卸载之后问题就解决了。天哪,竟然会犯这种错误~


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Fast IDB2Sig and LoadMap plugins(IDA)

Click Here to Download these plugins!

It took me two weeks to write two IDA plugins, a renew, fast IDB2Sig plugin and a new, very fast LoadMap plugin.
The IDB2SIG plugin I rewrote base on the orginal source code and idea of:
– Quine (quine@blacksun.res.cmu.edu)
– Darko
– IDB2PAT of J.C. Roberts <mercury@abac.com>
Thanks all of you very much. I think all of you will allow me to public the new source code.
The LoadMap plugin I wrote base on the idea of Toshiyuki Tega. It will supports loading and parsing VC++, Borland (Delphi/BC++/CBuilder) and DeDe map files.
And with two plugins, I need only two days to create two signature file for Delphi 6/7. Very fast and convenience. Hereafter, we can use two above plugins to create signature files, load map symbols…

Source is included, and plugins are precompiled for IDA 4.5 and 5.2.

iTunes 无限授权



这是最直接的方法,将授权之后的系统制作一个虚拟机镜像,然后随身携带就可以了。当然了,那个体积貌似有点大哦~。 😎



Windows vista/7/2008: C:\ProgramData\Apple Computer\iTunes\SC Info(隐藏文件)

Windows 2000/xp/2003 : C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Apple Computer\iTunes\SC Info(隐藏文件)

具体的文章可以参考这里,两种方法都介绍了。 smile




至于文件嘛,不能外放目前,嘎嘎。 laugh

QQ international v1.1 today Remover

QQ international v1.1 has been released for several days,till now i release my first patch .In now days i am too busy to do my personal jobs,so it takes  so a long time.

What worse is that i just catch a cold when i visit Gulangyu.so bad luky.

lol, just click here to download the patch ,and then place the file in “QQIntl\Bin” directory.Finally u can run the program and click the patch button to patch the selfcheck function.

Also u can delete any plugins u dislike. After i Remove the Com.Tencent.CityWeekend, it looks much better!lol

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