直接上图,废话就不多说了,目前只有32位的插件,64位的插件编译存在一点点问题,希望能很快解决。 更新64位插件,但是没有合适的二进制文件,未测试!
IDA Unicode字符串自动解析注释插件2.0 (支持MachO ,PE等)
IDA Pro Plugin wizard for vs2013
感谢zadow提供的升级版的向导: https://forum.tuts4you.com/topic/34511-ida-pro-plugin-wizard-for-vs2013/
1.完善了IDAsdk版本,并且默认的选项修改为6.5 2.修正向导程序在部分机器上最下方的按钮无法正常显示 3.删除掉部分无用的文件 代码链接:http://code.h4ck.org.cn/ida-pro-plugin-wizard-for-vs2013
IDA64 Fatal error before kernel init
NOTE3: You get a “Fatal error before kernel init” when trying to use BinDiff with IDA in 64-bit, this is a bug that also occurs with a real license (use 32-bit instead).
SmardDec v0.0.3 Plugin for IDA Pro
The main goal of the project is to implement a retargetable and highly modular native code to C/C++ decompiler using the latest research results in the field of decompilation.
On this website you can download a beta version of the decompiler or just check out some examples of its application. If you are interested in using SmartDec, please contact us.
Hex-Rays Decompiler plugin (v1.5.0.110408) and patch for IDA Pro6.5
If anyone wants to use the old version of hexrays you can just use this patch. I haven’t run into any problems with it yet. (Make a backup first)
– License check message removed
– Fixed null pointer crash in ida.wll
An IDA plugin to graph all paths between two functions
a plugin to find all code paths between two functions. This can significantly narrow down the number of paths that require investigation